Career Development Reception with McGill and Harvard alumni
Career Development Reception with McGill and Harvard alumni (New York alumni branch)

Thursday, March 5, 2009
7 PM to 9 PM

Join McGill and Harvard alumni and friends for drinks and hors d’oeuvres as we gather to share resources during these challenging economic times. Whether you are looking for a career, a job change or an opportunity for networking, this event for both recent graduates and senior executives will provide a strong networking and mentoring environment for all.

Guest speakers will include Michael M. Fieldman, FAIA, BSc’59, BArch’63, an award-winning architect who recently won an international competition for a new $2-billion NYPD development; Mark Hantho, BCom’81, Global Co-Head of Equity Capital Markets at Deutsche Bank; Robert Long, BA’77, Managing Director and Head of Asset Management at Allied Capital; and Andrew C. Quale Jr., Harvard A.B. '63, Harvard LL.B. '66, a corporate transactional attorney and Senior Partner at Sidley Austin LLP.


To order tickets, email or call 1-800-567-5175, ext. 7684. We ask alumni to specify their degree and alma mater when registering. As well, please note: guests may reserve a maximum of four tickets.

Email Brett Hickey ( if you are interested in getting involved with the event or require more information.
Career Development Reception with McGill and Harvard alumni (New York alumni branch)

Thursday, March 5, 2009
7 PM to 9 PM


General $35.65 USD
Non-Alumni $45.84 USD
Non-McGill or Harvard Alumni


Harvard Club of New York City
35 West 44th Street
New York, New York
U. S. A.
View map


Register from Feb. 19 to Apr. 6, 2009


Event Registrar
Phone: 514-398-7684
Fax: 514-398-7362