Welcome to your new city: Alumni and Friends’ Picnic and Pot Luck (Pittsburgh alumni branch)

Sunday, June 7, 2009
12 PM to 4 PM

Join alumni, families and friends in welcoming new McGill graduates who have recently relocated to the region. At this first-ever picnic, we’ll spend the afternoon playing Frisbee and other games/activities in the sun and enjoying a meal outside! What a great opportunity to make new friends and contacts and see old friends the winter drove into hiding.


Cost includes hot dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks, and pretzels. We also ask that you contribute a dish of your choice to the afternoon’s pot luck meal, and bring a game you’d like to play with the group.

Please fill out the "Printable Invite" and mail with payment to the Western PA Alumni Association" to reserve your spot.

Sponsored in part by the McGill Alumni Association.

Once payments have been received your receipt along with directions to North Park grove will be mailed to you.
Welcome to your new city: Alumni and Friends’ Picnic and Pot Luck (Pittsburgh alumni branch)

Sunday, June 7, 2009
12 PM to 4 PM


Combo $10 USD
Couples or Families
Single $5 USD
Single Adult Admission


North Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
U. S. A.
View map


Register from May. 7 to Jun. 5, 2009


Mugabe Walker, McGill Alumni Association of Western PA
101 Washington Street, Apt. 1
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
U. S. A.