Be a partner in your health: how to find & evaluate health information Attendee List
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Little details that matter

  • This list includes graduates who have confirmed attendance at Be a partner in your health: how to find & evaluate health information and who have agreed to share this information.
  • Only names of registrants are listed. The names of registrants' guests do not appear.
  • Names are automatically sorted by last name. You can also sort by degree by clicking on the "Degree" heading.
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First Name Last Name Degree
Victor Allison BEng(Elec)'75
Fabian Ballesteros Gallego Cert Prof English'99, MSc'01
Holly Blenkhorn BScN'78
Marie Bourbonniere BA'81
Nancy Brookes BN'73, MSc(A)'85
Diana Bruno BA'69, MA'78, Cert EdTech '87
Veronique Carmel BSc(PT)'07
Nuria Claro BA'77
Alberto González
Susanne Hall Lammot Md MDCM'66
Fatoumata Keita
Emilie Lie
Yiqing BSc'09, MSc'13
Jacqueline Newell BA'68
John Power PhD'84
Antoine Raoux
Roxane Roy BCom'81, DPA'84, Cert Prof Spanish'89, Dip in Pub Rel & Comm Mgmt'16
Natalie Tornatora BSc(Arch)'05, MArch'08